Let me start by asking you two questions about where you are right now:

  1. Could it be possible that where you are right now, is where you once deeply wanted to be? 🤯

  2. Could it also be possible that where you are right, is exactly where you need to be to get where you are going?

My invitation to you is to let these questions be the opening of the gateway into presence that you may find yourself dancing around. Breathe that in for a moment.

THE HEART PORTAL is the gateway into our intuitive and energetic heart, the internal guidance system, who's only job is to guide us to our highest vision of self. A pre-requisite for entering THE HEART PORTAL and starting the journey to embody your highest self is PRESENCE. Only from a place of heart-centred presence can you begin to propel yourself forward into that future vision you hold within your heart.

So, what is PRESENCE? 

It is you, as you are. NOW. 
It is your BEING-NESS at this moment.  
It is YOU. 

Presence is the solid ground we seek so deeply for in times of uncertainty, it is the foundation for everything that we are becoming. To get where you so deeply want to go REQUIRES you to soften into presence over and over again. It isn's a destination, it's a collection of points on our journey, often slivers in time.

It’s in presence that we create the space needed to meet who we (truly) are and to let the intuitive guidance system of the heart take the reins. Presence can be as subtle as a moment, a sliver in time. We find it through stillness, through intentional movement, through heart connection, and through disconnection without dissociation. 

It is the subtle space between the inhale and the exhale. Presence is where possibility sits and this journey of the heart is about exploring and expressing that possibility.


Presences is uncomfortable. It's funny that the one thing that gets us to where we are going is often the one thing we avoid most. We go to great lengths to avoid meeting ourselves right where we are, fearful of the parts of ourselves that we will meet when we sit in the vastness of PRESENCE.

What I've learned, and continue to learn on my own journey is that the discomfort and resistance we face in avoiding presence is far great than the discomfort or resistance we will meet when we connect deeply with ourselves. It's in presence we met exactly what it is we seek outside of ourselves for.


Presence will ask something of you, yet ask you to 'do' nothing at all. What I mean by that is it will ask you to meet yourself right where you are, sit with and explore your BEING-NESS. Not strategy, just curiosity.

Presence will ask you to surrender. And, if that word feels like too much, it will at very least ask you to soften. It will ask you to untether yourself from living up to who you once where and chasing who you are becoming. Presence will requiring me to lean into TRUST more than you ever knew possible. Presence will ask you to explore what is there, what you are holding onto and what is arising form the inside. Yet, it won't ask you to DO anything with it, simple to meet what arises and let it move through you.


There's a common misconception that the only way to find presence is through deep and consistent meditation. While, yes, that is one way to approach it -- accessing presence will look different for everyone and different every time you show up to meet it. It can be found in moment, it stillness, in touch, in creativity...heck it can even be found when you sit at the stoplight waiting for it to turn green.

Presence is found in the moments (or seconds even) of deep heart connection, of self-exploration and curiosity. It's found when we let the world slow down around us so that we can BE.


It is within presence that we meet and remember our WHOLENESS. All the parts of us that got us to right HERE. It's also where we begin to disentangle from the imprints, beliefs and stories that hold us back or that no longer fit. It's where we witness transformation and access possibility. In presence, we open ourselves to the vastness of what we are capable of and what it will take to get there.

In presence, your heart leads and everything else is of service to that.

Presence creates the foundation from which we can step confidently and supported into who we are becoming. Without it we cling to fragments of who we once were and are guided by the influence of someone or something else. 

It is in presence that we see our wholeness, we meet our truth and we witness all that isn’t true to our heart fall away.

If you are ready to go deeper into the HEART work, I invite you to explore THE HEART PORTAL.


THE HEART PORTAL is the gateway to your physical, energetic, intuitive and emotional heart. Your heart holds a wisdom that is unshakeably true to you. Its primary purpose is to guide you to that vision you hold of your highest self.With breathwork as the foundation of this potent container, THE HEART PORTAL combines breathwork, meditation, embodiment, heart activations and deep inner work with the potency of breathing with and connecting to a community of conscious, like-minded people.



THE HEART PORTAL is the gateway to your physical, energetic, intuitive and emotional heart. Your heart holds a wisdom that is unshakeably true to you. Its primary purpose is to guide you to that vision you hold of your highest self.With breathwork as the foundation of this potent container, THE HEART PORTAL combines breathwork, meditation, embodiment, heart activations and deep inner work with the potency of breathing with and connecting to a community of conscious, like-minded people.