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In honour of World Breathing Day (April 11, 2022), I’ve accumulated all the free resources I’ve created through the years to get you started on and deepen your relationship to breathing. Sounds funny when I put it like that, like breathing isn’t something you do all the time (thankfully). What I’m talking about here is conscious breathing. Breathing for deeper connection and awareness and, if you are open to it, breathing for healing and transformation.

If you’ve never done any sort of breathwork before, don’t worry, I got you! We’ll start with simple meditation and ease our way into a full length breathwork session. Let’s dive in…


Because breathwork is having a hot moment, let’s begin by chatting about what BREATHWORK actually is, then I’ll introduce you to some practices.

Like yoga, breathwork is a term that describes many different types, lineages and patterns of breathing that have different effects on the body. Some forms of breathwork are designed for present moment awareness and stress reduction (general meditation and breath awareness) , others for performance and system activation (Wim Hof), others still are designed to unlock your energetic potential, facilitate transformation and open you to new levels of expansion and consciousness (the type of breathwork you’ll find here). This form of breathwork will help bring you into your body in a supportive way, align you more deeply with your intuitive heart, untether you from the imprints you’ve embodied until now and open the way for big transformation.

One of the biggest misconceptions I see with breathwork is that it's about diving head first in to all your trauma and your inner sh*tstorm. But that's no the case, nor do I recommend it. It's too much for most of our dear hearts, myself included. Can things come up during breathwork, sure. But they come when you are ready to move through them, not before. ⁠

My approach to breathwork is different. I see it as an invitation to meet yourself where you are today and to take a step closer to your heart. Sometimes one step is all you need. Embodiment, Connection, and healing - they are all a journey we embark on through our lifetime. So let it be that....a journey. ⁠


Meditation is the foundation of everything I do here, whether it sets the tone for a 90-minute breathwork ceremony or is a few heart-centred breaths to bring me back to my centre, meditation is a practice I turn to, almost automatically, through my day. I believe in taking a simplistic approach to meditate. In my opinion, ‘we’ have a tendency to overcomplicate it or worry whether we are ‘doing it right’. The only way to do it wrong is not to do it. And, meditation can be as simple as taking a few CONSCIOUS breaths.

Here are some of my top FREE meditation resources for you:


Now that you’ve gotten your feet wet with meditation, let’s begin your journey with breathwork. While meditation is INCREDIBLE, breathwork has been the most powerful tool for me to get out of my overthinking mind and connect to the infinite wisdom of my body.

In this space, we will practice 2 different styles of active breathwork. The first, a more activating breathing pattern that is a 3-part, fast-paced transformative style of breathwork. If you’ve followed me for a while, this is the breathwork you know me for. The second style is a nurturing and integrative style of breathwork called conscious connected breathwork where we breathe in a circular pattern for the duration of our session. 

Both styles of breathwork are powerful forms of self-healing that connect you more deeply to your body, move stuck energy and emotions and open the portal to your heart’s intuitive wisdom. In my opinion, they simply provide different access ways into your heart.

The style will be denoted in the description below!

Short Practices to get you started with breathwork:


You have everything you need to go deeper into your breathwork practice. Here are a few replays of FULL-LENGTH breathwork ceremonies for you to try:

If you are ready to deepen your breathwork journey, join me in THE HEART PORTAL, a digital breathwork studio full of live and on-demand breathwork sessions and heart activation practices or try a 1:1 private breathwork session!