With breathwork as the foundation of this POTENT container, you’ll be guided to:

  • UNTETHER YOURSELF from the fears, disbeliefs and untruths that you carry

  • CULTIVATE a sense of certainty from WITHIN

  • RECALIBRATE to your own deep TRUTH + eternal WISDOM

  • ACTIVATE your desires

  • EMBODY your highest vision of self


Do you find yourself seeking answers, certainty, validation or permission from others to make big moves in your life? The journey of your becoming begins within. Your heart holds the keys to everything that you need on this journey. You are being called to calibrate to its wisdom and trust where it’s leading you. 

Does your mind frantically spiral with all the reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t when you're being led to take a step towards your vision? When you anchor back into your heart, the seas begin to calm and you access a deep certainty.

Heart leads, mind follows. Inside THE HEART PORTAL you will make way for your heart to lead you on the journey of who you are becoming and for your (over) thinking mind to be of service to that wisdom.


  • You open yourself to the vastness of possibility available to you.

  • You walk the path of your purpose. 

  • You ground into the clarity of WHO you are becoming.

  • You expand into self-love.

  • You heal emotional and spiritual wounds. 

  • You set yourself free from fears, disbeliefs and untruths. 

  • You embody your highest self. 

  • You are whole. 

No breathwork experience required. Cancel at any time.



Breathwork guides you back into your body in a supportive and expansive way and connects you to a deep sense of love and sovereign wisdom. It anchors you into your energetic heart and helps you to move through energetic blocks and limiting beliefs (I call them disbeliefs). It unlocks your energetic potential and opens you up to new levels of expansion and consciousness. The most beautiful part is – it’s already in you to access and ignite. 

While there are infinite ways to access your heart, of which we explore many within the portal,  we practice 2  FORMS OF BREATHWORK 

  1. 3-part transformational breathwork that activates and ignites your intention. It is rooted in a sacred masculine energy.

  2. Conscious connected breathwork that helps you integrate and receive your expansion. It carries with it a divine feminine energy. 

Both styles of breathwork are equally powerful portals of self-healing that connect you to your intuitive and energetic heart and open you up to infinite possibilities.While 1-off sessions can be incredibly impactful, your healing and expansion REQUIRE consistency and community. 

 The predominant styles of breathwork we will use within The Heart Portal are the latter. They will help bring you into your body in a supportive way, align you more deeply with your intuitive heart, untether you from the imprints you’ve embodied until now and open the way for big transformation.


This is a digital monthly transformation studio with live and on-demand breathwork sessions, energetic lessons and transmissions, daily activation sessions and more.

Each month you have access to

2x live 90-minute breathwork ceremonies*
2x live 20-minute breathwork quickies*
Monthly Energetic Lessons
Heart Openers (deep self-inquiry + journal prompts)
Heart Anchors (invocations and affirmations)
Heart Activations (rituals + practices)
A library of on-demand sessions, recordings and practices to support your transformation
A powerful community of conscious, like-minded leaders

* All live sessions are available for replay in the digital portal



*Cancel anytime!


Hi, I’m Laura

This container is the culmination of my own lived experience, my own intuitive guidance and the activation of my purpose (as led by my heart). Like most of you, my journey to today has been bumpy and certainly not linear. 

Over the past decade, I’ve spent ($1,000’s) seeking answers to and clarity on who am here to be and how to embody that. I’m sure I’ve done every training, certification, course, class and online quiz searching frantically for MY TRUTH. It wasn’t until I found breathwork that I was able to feel more sure of who I am and who I am here to be than ever before. I have healed more through breathwork than any other modality I’ve tried and have, probably for the first time in my life, felt what it is to be fully embodied.  

I walked into my first breathwork class almost 4 years ago and knew from that moment this was something I had to explore and share. In that class I tapped into a kind of self-love and knowing that I didn’t even know existed. I was about to nurture and heal from old wounds I thought I had already moved past. I was clearer on who I was then I ever had been. And that was the first class. 

Since then, I’ve become a devoted student and guide of the practice and am on a mission to share breathwork with as many people as possible. This is the truth I have been seeking for so long. 

FAQs — A’s to all your Q’s

  • Like yoga, breathwork is a term that describes many different types, lineages and patterns of breathing that have different effects on the body. Some forms of breathwork are designed for present moment awareness and stress reduction, others for performance and system activation. Others still are designed to unlock your energetic potential, facilitate transformation and open you to new levels of expansion and consciousness.

    The predominant styles of breathwork we will use within The Heart Portal are the latter. They will help bring you into your body in a supportive way, align you more deeply with your intuitive heart, untether you from the imprints you’ve embodied until now and open the way for big transformation.

  • No Problem! In fact I welcome newbies!! Breathwork is an accessible practice and this journey is designed for both newcomer and experienced breathworkers. I will be there to guide you through each of the live practices and answer any questions you may have. My intention is to provide a safe and supportive space for you to fully experience the power of breathwork. It might help to try out one of my free breathwork offerings so you are familiar with what we will be doing (but, not a requirement).

    I’ve done my best to answer (and keep updated) all the most common questions I get about breathwork HERE: BREATHWORK 101.

  • I got you boo! One of the biggest misconceptions I hear with breathwork is that you are diving head first into you inner sh*tstorm. But that’s not the case, nor do I recommend that approach. It is too much for our tender hearts and nervous systems.

    Can things come up during a breathwork session? Yes, but they come when you are ready to move through them. My approach to breathwork is a supportive and nurturing approach designed to meet you where you are today and to take a step closer to your heart. My intentions is ALWAYS to create a safe and sacred space for you to open your heart in. Embodiment, heart connection, healing and expansion are all a journey we embark throughout our lifetime. So let it be just that…a journey.

  • The 90-minute ceremonies will be held at 10AM (pacific time) on the 1st + 3rd Sunday of each month

    The 20-Minute quickies will be held at 6PM (pacific time) on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.

    The schedule for the FULL year is available inside the digital portal.

  • No problem! All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the membership portal within 12 hours of the session ending.

  • While your membership payment will be set to renew monthly, you can cancel your membership to The Heart Portal at any time. My invitation to you is to commit for a minimum of three months. While 1-off breathwork sessions can be incredibly transformative, a consistent practice will build on the last session and open you up to new depths of self and levels of expansion.

  • If you no longer wish to continue with The Heart Portal, you can easily cancel your subscription at any time in your account settings in the membership portal, however all sales are final and we do not issue refunds.