FEATURE: Real Rebel Podcast

Recently on a podcast that I was featured on, the REAL REBEL PODCAST (which happens to be one of my favourites), I got asked this question:


My first reaction on reading the question ahead of record was, OH MY GOD, I LOVE IT!

My second reaction was OHH SHIT. There are so many and this was going to require going into the vault.

You see, I believe every moment has the potential to impact our lives. Choices we make or don’t make, experiences we have or don’t have, people we meet or don’t meet can literally set the course for the rest of your life. Incidences that are seemingly random that unfold exactly how they are supposed to.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer in ‘YOU ARE EXACTLY WERE YOU WERE MEANT TO AND NEED TO BE’ but I believe we each play an active co-pilot role in navigating our way to this present moment.

Yup, that means even the not so great things that have happened to us, or for us, I should say, we played an active role in getting ourselves just there. Now, I’m still trying to wrap my head around how this concept relates to the horrific things that happen in life but I do believe moments can change the course of everything.

SO, You are probably wondering how I answered this question hey?


You see I believe these moments can have a ripple effect far beyond what we could ever predict and as much as we want to control the collision or its outcome, we have to let the dust settle, loosen our grip and proceed with this new reality.

I firmly believe that in each of these moments we have a choice to let it happen to us, taking the role of a bystander, a victim, powerless. Or, it happens for us. It course corrects, nudges (or shoves) you in a different direction.

If you are in a moment right now, I have three pieces of advice for you:

  1. Struggle is ok, often necessary. It is a catalyst for change and again we can choose to sit in it and weather the storm or get swallowed up by it.

  2. Trust the Journey - know that this moment is setting the course for the rest of our lives to unfold and it is happening in perfect and divine timing. There are no quick fixes. Notice, explore, get curious about how you’re feeling.

  3. In the words of my meditation mentor, Slow down, you’ll get there faster

What has been one of your moments? Comment below!
