SOUL INQUIRY: My Soul Is Asking Me For More...


One of the pillars I strive to build SOUL BODY on is: ⁠

And, like anything that's expansive, it starts from within.

Through my own journey, I haven’t learned that the answers to the questions I was seeking on fulfilment, forgiveness, acceptance, and purpose came from within. Not from the countless countries I’ve travelled to, experiences I’ve had, questionable partners I’ve chosen, and Google searches I’ve made. They’ve come from sitting with myself, going to the depths of my heart and soul, asking, listening, trusting.

I get asked all the times what questions I use to journal on and to get to the core of what I want to know for sure. So, I’m going to start sharing these with you, dear ones.

Weekly, I’ll be providing Soul Inquiry questions for you to breathe on and to journal with, both of which are equally important to the process. These are questions we work through in the events that I hold, courses I’ve created, with private clients, and in my own practice.


Soul Inquiry is all about getting to know your truest essence and rekindling the relationship between you and your soul, your highest self. This is a relationship most of us have neglected for years so it will take time, patience, and love to nurture and strengthen it. By pausing and asking yourself questions that both communicate with and dance with your soul, you can get insights into who you truly are.

The stronger the relationship with your soul, the easier it gets to ask the questions you most desire answers to and get clear answers right from your heart. It is within you, trust me.

How to use them

Like I said, these are questions to breathe on and journal with. It’s helpful to come from a centred place. Take a few calming, in your body breaths or try this meditation.

Breathe on today’s question. Really feel it in your heart.

Write the question in your journal and simply allow the pen to flow.

My Soul Is Asking Me For More…

Don't overthink it or try to make sense of what you wrote. Just write. ⁠Write until there is nothing left to write.

Trust that what comes up is a direct line from your soul (after all the hands are an extension of the heart, right?!). Know that this intimate relationship you are striving to build with your soul takes nurturing and practice. ⁠
