Mantra Series | I FORGIVE YOU

Oh boy, this one is a tough one. It gets close and personal with a whole lot of my discomforts. But the time felt right.

My last mantra, "I surrender" brought tingling feelings in my heart centre, feelings of joy and delight; this mantra brings a whole lot of emotion and heaviness, sorrow, pain, sadness and finally feelings of contentment or a coming to peace.

As my life is going through a certain transition phase, I felt particularly drawn do looking back and releasing. If I'm learning anything about the soulful journey we are all on, this, of course, has to start from within.

This week was about tuning in deeply and letting go of routine thought patterns. Replacing hasty words with ones of forgiveness and love.

This week's mantra was about just that: I FORGIVE YOU.

Let's unpack that a little bit, shall we?



This one is all about you. No one else.

Take a deep inhale, close your eyes and feel what those words mean to you. Now open them and look at me.

"I forgive you. Let those words resonate. Feel them in all their rawness and truth."

"You have been your toughest critic. For that, I forgive you."

"I forgive you for the judgement, the hurt, the pain and the dis-ease that you have created or caused to yourself."

"I forgive you for the self-doubt, the double talking, the harsh words, the even harsher looks."

"I forgive you for doubting your decisions, actions, desires and fears."

"I forgive you for you didn't know any better, and now you do."



It's interesting that there was a certain shift this week, after I spent time with those words. A shift to the world outside myself. I turned that forgiveness to others. I completely let go of past hurt. And I don't mean ignoring it but secretly brewing of old scars.

I fully forgave past hurt. I felt a full release and an opening in my heart. It no longer serves me to hold onto the resentment, embarrassment and shame from my past life. I forgive. I forgive me. I forgive you.