7-minute breathwork meditation

** To jump right to the practice, scroll down!**


The breathwork practice below is intended to be an introduction to the active and transformative breathwork practice that I incorporate into my events, private sessions, and digital workshops. Breathwork can be a powerful self-healing modality that facilitates a deeper connection to self and a heart-opening like no other.

Each experience is different, and every time you return to the practice will be different. Trust that in moving your breath in this way, you are moving energy that is stagnant, stuck, and needs to be released whether you have a sensory experience or not.

To go deeper into what breathwork is, to book a session, and hear about my journey, click one of the buttons below.


Get cozy.

Setting the environment around in a way that makes you feel good can make the experience all the more special. Cleanse the space, burn candles, use oils or crystals, whatever is in your practice. You’ll need quiet place where you can lay down flat with no pillows under you as you want the body to be as open as possible for the energy to move through you, especially the throat chakra. I lay on my bed, with no pillow or on a yoga mat on the floor. It’s nice to have a blanket close by as your temperature may fluctuate through the practice.

You may also want a journal and pen close by for when the practice concludes. I will often jot down how I felt or if anything came to me in the practice OR use the time to free write. You are an open vessel. Allow the pen flow from your soul.


Here it is! There’s a brief introduction, you’ll be ‘active’ breathing for about 5-6 minutes and then finish the practice with a 3 minute integration period (where I think all the magic happens).


As I mention in the recording, be gentle with yourself after this practice. You moved energy. You shifted, you healed. Like any energy healing, your body is asking for you to be tender. I often find I get a burst of creativity after breathwork. If that happens..embrace it. Embrace whatever comes up and know that it comes from a place of LOVE.


I get asked frequently how often you should do breathwork. The answer to that…it depends. You can do it everyday if that feels good for you. I try to incorporate even a short practice like this one into my practice weekly.

I should not the difference between what you just experienced and a full breathwork session. This practice attached is an intro and good for moving energy that sits below the surface. In a full session, we would do some soul connecting and activation journalling then into a longer practice. That would look like 20-30 minutes of active breathwork and 10-15 of integration. It is generally a deeper experience.


Here are some of the different ways we can breathe together:


Have questions on anything here? Email me: hello@soulbody.co